How Important Values Are ?

Why are values important?
Do values affect our ability to earn money?
Another way to answer this is to see it like this:
Remember we said earlier that … money is a result.
Keep in mind the Law of Cause and Effect.
With that said, it is what you value … what you deem important in your life that will drive you … and shape the overview of your life.
You are always compelled to do what feels important.
If you agree with this statement, I can accurately guess you are a successful and happy person … and if you don’t…well, you must amend your conduct in order to only do the important things in your life.
Because this is an important way of gaining the control back in your life.
If you don’t do that you will feel all the time a victim of circumstances and life … you’ll most of the time experience hard times…
… and I suppose this is not what you want.

To break this, I suggest you:
1. Try to figure out what is important for you.
What are the important values you want to live by? …Your core values?
Make a list … Write them down.
2. Try to find out why they are so important

3. Then check if your actions conform with what you know as important values for you.
You alone can do that. Be honest with yourself.

4. If your actions don’t conform with your core values, what corrections can you make right now to improve the situation?
Even tiny corrections will do.

If you do this simple exercise, you will start feeling positive about yourself … and as it is in the nature of things … you will want to improve other aspects of your life.

More important you will live by your true values … that’s what is called congruence … and that is Power.

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