Knowledge and Money

Your actions proceed from your thoughts. So your actions cannot be better than your thoughts.
Also your thoughts are the siblings of your understanding. Then your thoughts cannot be better than your understanding.
And since your understanding unfolds from your knowledge …
... Your understanding can never be better than your knowledge…
You see then why people often say …


… It is knowledge that shapes your understanding and leads to the proper application of knowledge …
... and proper use of knowledge in turn brings about good performance in your deeds …
... and eventually all the previous gather for you Great Power for the asking.

You can see now why people do often say …

Knowledge is All The Power there is.

Some questions may arise in connection with the subject of knowledge. Some of them can be the following:
* So what is your knowledge of money and wealth?
* What is your understanding of the matter of money?
* How do you apply this understanding?
* How do you act accordingly?
* What is the outcome? ... the results you are getting?

If your results in life are great and you’re very happy and proud of them, that’s great!
… and I tell you, you’re right in sticking with what you are doing day in day out.
You need not change anything.
If what you gain out of life is not that great then I will advise you to look more closely …
... and to change some or a great deal of what you do.
Allow me to borrow something from T. Harv Eker author of The Millionaire Mind book, who often says:
"You can be right or you can be rich; but you can’t be both.”

Hey Harv, you’re deadly right ! ! :-)
What Harv means here is that if you spend or have spent your whole life arguing and thinking you are right and the others are wrong, you won’t be willing to change anything at your current view of the world and the way things are meant to be true.
Provided your achievements show up in your bank balance, you’d better change your idea of yourself and the way you see life if you want to make money and become wealthy.
Because what got you where you are now (current thinking and actions and results) can not get you and will never be able to get you where you want to be i.e. money and financial freedom and dream life.
Better yet. You’ve already proven it to yourself … by your actual results and situation.
You are to be aware that your knowledge is constantly shaping your world around you.
I will suggest some actions to take at this stage:

* Find qualified people to mentor you ... or ...
* Go it through all the way by yourself.
The first one is an easy way to get things done and achieve your goals a lot faster and with less effort.
The latter is a lot harder.
Which one do you prefer?
It is up to you.
A question though…
What do people like Michael Jordan, Joe Simpson, Mike Tyson, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus, Serena Williams and Venus Williams and Tiger Woods have in common?
What ? They are all great achievers and acknowledged famous people and stars?
Yes, that’s right … but that was not the point.
That's it!
Yes, they all had Coaches.
They all hire or hired qualified people just to give them advice and to sometimes take them by their bootstrap and head them in the right direction.
You might consider doing as well.
You can get some coaching from these people as bonuses with their program.

* Mark Joyner

      Now is the time to get some coaching from one man who helped tons of people get what they want!
      He will teach you everything you need to know about internet marketing and how to make money.

One caveat to enlarge your knowledge base is to collect good ideas from great thinkers and other significant people on a regular basis.
You can just do that with inspirational quotes and other interesting stuff.
To be able to uncover some pearls of wisdom, just sign-up here.

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